Assessment, Treatment & Management of Suicide Online Course
Welcome to the Assessment, Treatment & Management of Suicide course, and thanks for choosing to complete your training in suicide assessment, treatment, and management with me.
My 6-hour workshop follows the 8 core competencies developed by experts in suicidology for assessing and managing suicidal risk. Topics include managing personal reactions to suicidal patients; assessing risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors; effective risk assessment; developing a treatment plan, and recognizing potential legal challenges.
At the completion of this workshop, participants will be able to:
- Recognize their personal reactions to suicide, and implement strategies to manage those reactions
- Describe basic terms of suicide, and assess risk factors, warning signs, and protective factors for suicide
- Assess level of suicidal ideation, plans, and means, and compose a clinical formulation of risk
- Select necessary components of a treatment and services plan for patients considering suicide
- Describe important therapeutic processes to document
- Explain potential legal challenges
- Contact hours certificate, 6 hours – no charge
- WA State Psychological Association certificate, 6 CEs – not available at this time
- WA Association for Marriage and Family Therapy certificate, 6 CEUs – no charge
- Medical Quality Assurance Committee, Category II CME – no charge
If you have any questions throughout the workshop, please feel free to contact me at or 360.349.1698.
Thanks again!