Curriculum Vitae
1991 Ph.D. Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology, La Mirada, California
1986 M.A. Rosemead Graduate School of Psychology, La Mirada, California
1981 B.S. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
Suicide, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, traumatology, and peer support; International Critical Incident Stress Foundation Faculty Member; experienced presenter on stress management, anger management, time management, coping with change, suicide prevention/intervention, death notification, and related issues.
Clinical Psychologist, Washington State Patrol, Olympia, Washington
Individual, marital, and family evaluation and treatment of employees and family members; consult with department supervisors and managers regarding employee situations, management dilemmas, suspect profile development, and disaster situations; conduct pre-employment psychological evaluations of trooper cadets; conduct psychological evaluations for specialty positions; direct the Peer Support and Critical Incident Teams; provide instruction in stress management, critical incident stress, time management, death notification, communication, suicide intervention, and related topics.
Clinical Psychologist, 98th Medical Detachment (Combat Stress Control), Fort Lewis, Washington
Individual and family evaluation and treatment of soldiers and family members; consultation and psychological assessment for the Fort Lewis Community Mental Health Service; forensic consultation to the Judge Advocate General and Criminal Investigation Division; supervision of Community Mental Health counselors and Regional Correctional Facility counselors and social worker.
Clinical Psychologist, Madigan Army Medical Center, Tacoma, Washington
Individual and family evaluation and treatment of soldiers and family members; consultation, psychological assessment, and treatment planning coordination for the regional psychiatric inpatient ward; consultation and psychological assessment for the Fort Lewis Community Mental Health Service; forensic consultation to the Judge Advocate General.
Division Psychologist, 3d Infantry Division, Schweinfurt, Germany
Chief of the mental health clinic; individual, family, and group evaluation and treatment of soldiers and family members; crisis evaluation and treatment of clinic emergencies; psychological assessment; organizational and individual consultation to unit commanders, staff, and professionals; forensic consultation to the Staff Judge Advocate and Criminal Investigation Division; supervision of Division Mental Health counselors. Member of family advocacy case management team and chair of Suicide Prevention Task Force.
Division Psychologist, 1st Armored Division, Operations Desert Shield/Desert Storm, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia
Individual and group evaluation and treatment of the 20,000 1st Armored Division soldiers deployed to Operations Desert Shield/Storm; instruction of soldiers and commanders on battle fatigue prevention and treatment; organizational and individual consultation to unit commanders and leaders; supervision of mental health counselors.
Washington #PY 1791 (1994 – present)
American Association of Suicidology (1988 – present)
American Psychological Association (1978 – present)
International Association of Chiefs of Police (1995 – present)
International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (1995 – present)
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (1995 – present)
Washington Association of Sheriffs and Police Chiefs (1995 – present)
Washington State Psychological Association (1994 – present)
Clark, D.W. (1993, May). Suicide in the Army: 1992 Update. Poster presented at the AMEDD Psychology Short Course, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington, DC.
Clark, D.W. (2013, November). Prepping for Stress & Trauma. Paper presented at the Washington Fire Chiefs’ “No Secrets” Labor Management Symposium, Issaquah, WA.
Clark, D.W., Melekian, B., O’Hara, A., Schulz, D., Violanti, J., McLaughlin, D., & Zakhary, Y. (2012, September). Let’s Not Talk About it: Addressing Myths about Police Suicide and Implementing a National Initiative for Suicide Awareness and Prevention. Paper presented at the 119h Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, San Diego, California.
Clark, D.W. (2011, June). Grief and Loss. Paper presented at the National Association of Women in Criminal Justice, Lacey, WA.
Clark, D.W. (2010, November). Addressing the Challenges of Law Enforcement Military Service Members: A Mental Health Perspective. Paper presented at the Major County Sheriff’s Association Conference, Birmingham, Alabama.
Clark, D.W. (2010, September). Current Suicide Trends. Paper presented at the Washington Critical Incident Stress Management Network Conference, Yakima, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (2009, November). Officer Involved Shootings: Stress Management. Paper presented at the Seventh Annual Violent Crimes Investigators’ Regional Training Conference, Washington State Criminal Justice Training Center, Washington.
Clark, D.W., Roland, J.E., Inwald, R., Zelig, M., & Best, S. (2006, October). The Impact of Recent Combat Experience on the Psychological Suitability of Law Enforcement Applicants. Paper presented at the 113th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Boston, Massachusetts.
Clark, D.W., Greene, L.W., Inwald, R., Jones, J.W., & White, E.K. (2005, September). Domestic Violence by Police Officers: Issues & Initiatives. Paper presented at the 112th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Miami, Florida.
Clark, D.W. (2003, April). Avoiding Casualties Among your Caregivers. Paper presented at the Partners in Emergency Preparedness Conference, Bellevue, Washington.
White, E.K., Clark, D.W., Adams, R.G., & Bennett, C. (2002, October). After a Peace Officer Suicide: Helping your Agency Recover. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
White, E.K., Clark, D.W., Adams, R.G., & Bennett, C. (2002, October). After a Peace Officer Suicide: Helping your Agency Recover. Paper presented at the 109th Annual Conference of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Clark, D.W. and White, E.K. (2002, April). After a Peace Officer Suicide: Helping your Agency Recover. Paper presented at the 35th Annual American Association of Suicidology Conference, Bethesda, Maryland.
Clark, D.W. (2001, May). Suicide Intervention with Military and Paramilitary Personnel. Paper presented at the 34th Annual American Association of Suicidology Conference, Atlanta, Georgia.
Clark, D.W. and Hackett, D. (2000, May). Suicide Intervention. Paper presented at the Western States Hostage Negotiator’s Association, Eugene, Oregon.
Clark, D.W. and White, E.K. (2000, April). Law Enforcement Suicide: An Inside Look. Paper presented at the 33rd Annual American Association of Suicidology Conference, Los Angeles, California.
Clark, D.W. (1999, April). An Overview of Suicide in Emergency Services. Paper presented at the Fifth World Congress on Stress, Trauma & Coping in the Emergency Services Professions, Baltimore, Maryland.
Clark, D.W. (1998, September). Domestic Violence by Law Enforcement Officers: Curriculum Proposal. Paper presented at the Conference on Domestic Violence by Police Officers, FBI Academy, Quantico, Virginia.
Clark, D.W. (1996, May). Sex, Drugs, and Rock & Roll. Paper presented at the 1996 Alaska Peace Officers Association Crime Conference, Ketchikan, Alaska.
Clark, D.W. (1996, March). Anger Management. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Associated Public-Safety Communications Officials Western Regional Conference, Spokane, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (1996, March). Interpersonal Skills. Paper presented at the 27th Annual Associated Public-Safety Communications Officials Western Regional Conference, Spokane, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (1995, September). Suicide Intervention. Paper presented at the 1995 Washington CISM Net Conference, Lake Chelan, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (1995, September). Fairchild: Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the 1995 Washington CISM-Net Conference, Lake Chelan, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (1995, February). Psychological Autopsy: Clinical, Ethical, & Legal Issues. Paper presented at the Western State Hospital Fellowship Seminar Series, Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Criminal Forensic/Clinical Psychology, Steilacoom, Washington.
Clark, D.W. (1994, August). Mental Health in a Combat Zone. Chair of panel presented at the 1994 AMEDD Behavioral Science Postgraduate Short Course, San Antonio, Texas.
Clark, D.W. (1994, August). Psychology in Cyberspace: Professional Development Opportunities on the Internet. Paper presented at the 1994 AMEDD Behavioral Science Postgraduate Short Course, San Antonio, Texas.
Clark, D.W. (1992, September). Update on Suicide Prevention and Precipitants. Paper presented at the 1992 Psychology Conference, Chiemsee, Germany.
Clark, D.W. and Sutton, L. (1992, April). U.S. Army Experiences with Suicide in the Gulf War. Paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Association of Suicidology, Chicago, IL.
Sutton, L. and Clark, D.W. (1991, November). The Division Mental Health Team: Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the Combat Psychiatry Course, Ft. Lewis, WA.
Sutton, L., Clark, D.W., and Southwell, G. (1991, October). The Division Mental Health Team: Lessons Learned. Paper presented at the Combat Psychiatry Course, Vilseck, GE.
Allen, S.A., Jones, C., Douglas, F., and Clark, D.W. (2014). A Comprehensive Approach to Destigmatizing Mental Health Issues in Law Enforcement. Police Chief, 81 (5), 34-38.
Clark, D.W. (in press). [Review of the book Loving Someone with PTSD: A Practical Guide to Understanding and Connecting with your Partner after Trauma]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health.
Clark, D.W. (2013). [Review of the book Healing War Trauma: A Handbook of Creative Approaches]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 15(2), 145-146.
Clark, D.W. (2013). [Review of the book Retraumatization: Assessment, Treatment, and Prevention]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 15(1), 79-80.
Clark, D.W. (2012). [Review of the book Posttraumatic growth in clinical practice]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 14(3), 233-234.
Clark, D.W., White, E.K., and Violanti, J. (2012). Law Enforcement Suicide: Current Knowledge and Future Directions. Police Chief. 79 (5), 48-51.
Clark, D.W. (2012). [Review of the book Treating PTSD in military personnel: A clinical handbook]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 14 (2), 149.
Clark, D.W. (2012). [Review of the book Parenting after the Death of a Child: A Practitioner’s Guide]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 14 (1), 70-71.
Clark, D.W. (2011). [Review of the book The Resilient Warrior: Before, During, and After War]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 13 (4), 296.
Clark, D.W. (2011). [Review of the DVD Helping Parents Grieve: Finding new life after the death of a child]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 13 (4), 297.
Clark, D.W. (2011). [Review of the book Counseling Individuals with Life-Threatening Illness]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 13 (1), 58-59.
Clark, D.W. (2010). Guest editorial: Crisis Intervention and Mental Health Services in the Military. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12 (3), 149.
Clark, D.W. (2010). [Review of the book Employing Returning Combat Veterans as Law Enforcement officers Project]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12 (3), 225.
Clark, D.W. (2010). [Review of the book The Road Home: Smoothing the Transition Back from Deployment]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12 (3), 226-227.
Clark, D.W. (2010). [Review of the book Counseling Individuals with Life-Threatening Illness]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 12 (2)
Clark, D.W. (2010). [Review of the book The Violent Person: Professional Risk Management Strategies for Safety and Care]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 11 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2009). [Review of the CD Preventing Law Enforcement Suicide: A Compilation of Resources and Best Practices]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 10 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2009). [Review of the book Police Suicide: Epidemic in Blue (2d Ed)]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 10 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2008). [Review of the video Talk, Listen, Connect: Deployments, homecomings, Changes]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 10 (3).
Clark, D.W. (2008). [Review of the book From Difficult to Disturbed: Understanding and Managing Dysfunctional Employees]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 10 (2).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the website Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration (]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the book I’m Not Alone: A Teen’s Guide to Living with a Parent who has a Mental Illness]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the book Rule Number Two: Lessons I Learned in a Combat Hospital]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (3).
Clark, D.W. and Haley, M. (2007). Crisis response tools for law enforcement. Police Chief, 74 (8), 92-101.
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the book I Love a Firefighter: What the Family Needs to Know]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (2).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the book I Love a Cop: What Police Families Need to Know]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (2).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the book War and the Soul: Healing Our Veterans from Post-traumatic Stress Disorder]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (1).
Clark, D.W. (2007). [Review of the video Resiliency After Violent Death: Lessons for Caregivers]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 9 (1).
Clark, D.W. (2006). [Review of the book Courage After Fire: Coping Strategies for Troops Returning From Iraq and Afghanistan and Their Families]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 8 (3).
Clark, D.W. (2006). [Review of the book In Harm’s Way: Help for the Wives of Military Men, Police, EMTs, & Firefighters]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 8
Clark, D.W. (2006). [Review of the book Finding My Way: A Teen’s Guide to Living With a Parent who has Experienced Trauma]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 8 (2).
Clark, D.W. (2006). [Review of the video When Helping Hurts: Sustaining Trauma Workers]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 8 (1).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the video Recovering from Traumatic Events: The Healing Process]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the book Forever in Our Hearts. Remembering Those Lost to Suicide]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the book Understanding Your Grief: Ten Essential Touchstones for Finding Hope and Healing Your Heart]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (4).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the book Disaster Mental Health Services]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (3).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the book Psychological Counterterrorism and World War IV]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (3).
Clark, D.W. (2005). [Review of the book Empathy in the Treatment of Trauma and PTSD]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (2), 151-152.
Clark, D.W. and Volkmann, P. (2005). Enhancing the Crisis Management Briefing. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 7 (2), 133-140.
Clark, D.W. (2004). [Review of the book Therapist’s Guide to Self-Care]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 6 (4), 245-246.
Clark, D.W. and White, E.K. (2003). Clinicians, Cops, and Suicide. In D. Hackett & J. Violanti (Eds.), Police Suicide: Tactics for Prevention. Springfield, Illinois: Thomas.
Clark, D.W. (2002). [Review of the book Tired Cops: The Importance of Managing Police Fatigue]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 3 (4), 271-272.
Clark, D.W., Olson, J., Porter, L., and Leichner, R (2001). The Human Resource Roundtable: Employment and Risk Management Tool. Police Chief, 68(12), 29-35.
Clark, D.W. (2001). [Review of the book The Practical Art of Suicide Assessment: A guide for mental health professionals and substance abuse counselors]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 3 (1), 59-60.
Clark, D.W. (2000). [Review of the book CopShock – Surviving Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)]. International Journal of Emergency Mental Health, 2 (1), 137-138.
Sutton, L. and Clark, D.W. (1996). Combat psychiatry in the 1st Armored Division. In J. Martin, L. Sparacino, & G. Belenky (Eds.), The Gulf War and mental health: A comprehensive guide. Westport, CT: Praeger.