Welcome to my blog, and thanks for reading. My goal is to help you keep up with the ever expanding fields of suicide, trauma, stress, and crisis response by writing about recent developments, practical applications, and useful information.
Who am I? My name is Dan Clark, and I’m often called Dr. Dan in my trainings and seminars. I’ve been a psychologist for several decades, specializing in trauma, suicide, disasters, etc. You know, the ‘easy topics’ in behavioral health.
My full-time job is with a police agency as their police psychologist. I interview police applicants, teach at our law enforcement academy, provide treatment and emergency response to employees and family members, and consult with the chain of command on personnel issues.
I am also a U.S. Army Reserve psychologist, and deployed to the first Gulf War with 1st Armored Division. That was quite a learning experience! I still don’t like being in tents.
I started Critical Concepts Consulting almost 20 years ago to answer requests from people who wanted me to talk with them about suicide, trauma, stress, and crisis response topics. I’ve worked with agencies and organizations such as Concerns of Police Survivors (working with C.O.P.S. during National Police Week is one of my annual highlights!), the U.S. Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and many local and State law enforcement, fire, and EMS Agencies.
Upcoming blog topics include a variety of apps useful in trauma and suicide, the latest national statistics on suicide in the US, and other topics I hope you find useful. If you are interested in a particular topic, please talk to me.
If you interested in more of my background, want to review my CV, or are interested in my upcoming trainings, please visit my website at criticalconcepts.org.