CISM Downloads
- Pre-Incident Education (PIE) is one of the cornerstones of CISM. Click to download the Pre-Incident Education PowerPoint slide show I recommend. The purpose of the PIE is three-fold.
- 1) Inform your audience about what CISM can do,
- 2) inform your audience about why this is important by telling them about stress and stress management, and
- 3) tell them how to contact your CISM Team (phone, text, email, and/or website).
- For those of you who have taken a CISM class from me, here is my “Purple Sheet.“ This is a one page, 2-sided Word document which summarizes the phases of a CISD, aCMB, a Defusing, and a Post Action Staff Support. I designed it to be folded in half width wise, then folded in half length wise to give you a small 1/4 sheet you can easily hold in your hand. When my team uses this purple sheet, we also write on the sheet who is leading each phase.
- During the CISM classes I teach, we talk about the importance of using information sheets as handouts. There is a basic information sheet in the back of the CISM: Group Crisis Intervention workbook with common reactions listed on one side and coping strategies on the reverse. Here is an example of how to take this basic helping information, add your logo and contact information, and publish it in a tri-fold format in Windows. Click below to download a sample CISM brochure in pdf format.
- Another handout a former CISM uses is a Peer Support brochure. This brochure suggests common reasons to contact a Peer Supporter, typical signs and symptoms of stress, and gives contact information for the Team.
- The Post Action Staff Support (PASS) is a tool created by Dennis Potter. At the close of a CISM intervention, the CISM team needs to have a process to evaluate their work as a team, evaluate their individual performance, to assess each team member for reactions to the event, and lastly to remind ourselves of good stress management techniques for taking care of ourselves. PASS is an excellent model for care of the CISM team, and may also be used as an evaluation tool. (Download the PASS Evaluation here)
Suicide Downloads
- Please feel free to download and use this PowerPoint presentation. My intent is to provide you with a basic set of slides from which you can give a 15-30 minute suicide awareness presentation. To use, download the file SuicideBrief 2020 to the directory of your choice on your computer. Once you open the presentation in PowerPoint, if you select “View,” followed by “Notes Page,” I have included some brief comments on the presentation as well as some resource material. All comments on this file are welcome!
- The Aid Life card is a wallet-size version of a mnemonic for suicide intervention. This Word file can be modified to fit your needs and local resources. Once you have filled in your local resource information, this card can be printed, laminated, and handed out to your Team as a resource.
- Dr. Elizabeth White and I presented a paper on law enforcement suicide at the 2000 American Association of Suicidology conference. This is our 1000-word summary of our presentation entitled Exploring Law Enforcement Suicide: An Inside Look.
- This file contains additional suicide statistics which I removed from the ATMS training in order to add additional tools. It includes additional WA State suicide statistics, as well as national and military suicide statistic slides.